This E-Gift Card is Redeemable on Any Jewellery at Kalyan Jewellers Stores in India.
This E-Gift card is not redeemable on Gold & Silver Coin.
This E-Gift Card Valid for 364 days from issue.
E-Gift Card cannot be exchanged for cash.
E-Gift Card can be redeemed only once.
A Maximum of 10 cards can be added in a single bill.
E-Gift Card has to be presented in the store in original condition.
E-Gift Card is valid at only Kalyan Jewellers Stores in India.
No Photocopy/Reproduction of the E-Gift Card will be accepted.
No Duplicate E-Gift Card will be issued in case of the same being misplaced or lost.
E-Gift Card is redeemable on one cash memo only.
E-Gift Card is not a legal tender.
This voucher cannot be clubbed with redemption of Gold/Diamond Purchase Advance Schemes.
This voucher cannot be clubbed with Package invoices and Special Priced Items.
For support please write in to support@woohoo.in or call 080 67181401.
In case of any store redemption issue, customer can reach out to Kalyan support number # 022-49769725/15.
E-Gift Cards are normally delivered instantly. But sometimes due to system issues, the delivery can be delayed up-to 24 - 48 hours.
No returns and no refunds on gift cards, E-Gift cards and gift vouchers shipped by woohoo.in. Please check the refund policy at http://www.woohoo.in/faq for further details.